Here at Yeh IDeology, we believe that in order for a designer to play a successful, pivotal role within a company she/he must be multilingual. What do we mean by this? Well, if a designer is to communicate with multiple departments, such as marketing, product development, engineering, finance, of a given company then they need to understand and be empathetic to the terminology, ways of thinking, objectives, priorities and general culture of those departments. the more considerate a designer is of the needs of other divisions they collaborate with the more successful their own design work and to some degree the more essential they become to an organization. Those that are able to be multilingual and the conduit to various divisions the more essential they become. This also happens to be a key ability of leadership and management roles.
Mastering the Language of Business: From Babble to Clarity - DMI Web Conversation.
We think that the recent DMI Web Conversation entitled Mastering the Language of Business: From Babble to Clarity, highlights our view on the need for innovative ways of exploring the language of business. Pam DeCesare spoke with Dieter Reuther and Donna Denio about a playful solution to miscommunication within business: LEGO Serious Play. This childhood construction toy is used as a "tool to help improve communication" and produce creative metaphors of scenarios in an organization that facilitate team workshops.
Mastering the Language of Business: From Babble to Clarity - DMI Web Conversation.
Mastering the Language of Business: From Babble to Clarity - DMI Web Conversation.
The applications provide a familiar foundation for team members to express their ideas and pose questions in a way that is non intrusive and accommodating of company culture.