The Gap


As a Design Manager, you’ve been trying to show the C-suite how you can impact the company’s bottom line. To do that, there are some big design innovation projects that you could execute to help your company succeed on a grand corporate scale. First however you have to gain awareness of the value design can bring by winning some small projects, and this opened the floodgates to an immense number of minor-league projects that never end. You are now swamped and understaffed; it feels as if you will never be able to find time to tackle those major projects that can catapult you to the C-suite. You need to hire the right design change agent to help solve the strategic challenges your company is facing.

You finally get the approval for new hires. Working with HR to recruit, you find they are swamped. Talent acquisition is just a small percentage of what they are responsible for. And within recruiting, design recruitment is .01% of the what they have to juggle. You try to teach design dicernment to HR and they just don't have the capacity because of how overwhelmed they are. HR puts the recruiting back on your plate when you're already inundated as it is. And even when you know the industry, where are you going to find hidden top talent.

There is a gap between the recruiting support you need and what HR can offer. They don't have the means to recruit design and you don’t have the capacity to do it.  

Does this hit home? What if you could bridge the gap between design and HR? At Yeh IDeology, we've been developing Talent Strategies to help teams and businesses to reach their whole potential. Contact us to lean more about our services.